
Poem 2- The Laburnum Top

Poem 2- The Laburnum Top


Find out

1. What laburnum is called in your language?

Ans: In the Hindi language, the laburnum tree is called ‘Amaltaas’.


2. Which local bird is like the goldfinch?

Ans: Indian Lutino Ringneck is like the goldfinch.


Think it out

1. What do you notice about the beginning and the ending of the poem?

Ans: At the beginning and the ending of the poem, the laburnum tree was standing still and silent just like death-like.


2. To what is the bird’s movement compared? What is the basis for the comparison?

Ans: The goldfinch’s movement is compared to that of the lizard because she was abrupt, sleek and alert. The same movements were observed when she arrived at the tree and moved to the thickness side of the branch to feed her young ones.


3. Why is the image of the engine evoked by the poet?

Ans: As the engine is the source to run the machine. The bird is compared to the engine as she is the feeder of her family. As a machine cannot work without an engine, her family can’t last without her.


4. What do you like most about the poem?

Ans: I liked the comparison of the state of the tree before and after the goldfinch bird arrives and it makes the death-like tree alive.


5. What does the phrase “her barred face identity mask” mean?

Ans: The phrase “her barred face identity mask” means that the bird’s face became her identity and symbol of recognition.

Note down
1. the sound words
2. the movement words
3. the dominant colour in the poem.


1.     Twitching, chirrup, chitterings, trillings, whispering

2.     Comes, enters, starts up, flirts out, launches away, tremble, subside

3.     Yellow


List the following

1. Words which describe ‘sleek’, ‘alert’ and ‘abrupt’.

2. Words with the sound ‘ch’ as in ‘chart’ and ‘tr’ as in ‘trembles’ in
the poem.

3. Other sounds that occur frequently in the poem.


1.     Lizard, machine, and suddenness

2.     Goldfinch, branch, chitterings, chirrup, trillings, twitching, tremors

3.     ‘ing’ sound in words like twitching, chitterings, wings, trillings, whisperings


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