
Unseen Passage 3

Unseen Passage 3

1. The role friends play in our lives has become significantly greater than at any other time in our history. Today many of us live and work at great distances from where we were born or grew up and are separated from our original families. The pain we feel when we are away from our families can be significant.
2. The happiness of the individual depends on friendships which form a necessary human connection. It is perfectly normal to need and want friends and depression is more prevalent among those who lack friends. They lack the intimacy and richness friends can bring into our lives. Frequently friends reflect similar values to us. Yet these values are often different from the ones we grew up with, they are the values we created for ourselves in our adult lives.
3. Communication skills are fundamental in all friendships. The more friends and acquaintances one has, the greater are one’s communication skills. Some call these, people skills.
4. Like watering a plant, we grow our friendships and all our relationships by nurturing them. Friendships need the same attention as other relationships if they are to continue. These relationships can be delightfully non-judgemental, supportive, understanding and fun.
5. Sometimes a friendship can bring out the positive side that you never show in any other relationship. This may be because the pressure of playing a ‘role’ (daughter partner or child) is removed. With a friendy, you are to be yourself and free to change. Of course, you are free to do this in all other relationships as well but in friendships y, you get to have lots of rehearsals and discussion about changes as you experience them. It is an unconditional experience where you receive as much as you give. You can explain yourself to a friend openly without the fear of hurting a family member.
6. How do friendships grow? The answer is simple. By revealing yourself; being attentive; remembering what is most important to your friend and asking them about it; putting yourself in their position; showing empathy; seeing the world through the eyes of your friend, you will understand the value of friendship. All this means learning to accept a person from a completely different family to your own or perhaps someone from a completely different cultural background. This is the way we learn tolerance. In turn, we gain tolerance and acceptance for our own difference.
7. Friendships are made by being considerate which means all the communication skill come into play; active listening skills, questioning skills, negotiation skills, reflection content skills, reflecting emotion skills and editing yourself.
Based on your understanding of the above passage, answer the following questions by choosing the most appropriate option:

Roll no=

Q1.  Friendship Grow by :
 revealing yourself
 being reticente
 showing indifference
 All of the above
Q2.  The more friends we have, the greter are our:
  Communication skills
Q3.  In the passage nurturing friendship has been compared to:
  Bringing up children
  Watering plants
  Looking after the patients
  Helping the neighbours
Q4.  The company of friends from different cultural background teaches us the value of:
Q5.  When we are separated from our families we feel:
Q6.  Choose the synonyms of ‘prevalent’
Q7.  Choose the antonym of ‘considerate’
Q8.  How is friendship different from other relationship?
A. You receive as much as you give
B. It can bring out the positive side
C. It is a conditional experience

  A and C
  B and C
  A and B
  All A, B, and C
Q9.  Friendship help in developing ………… in relation to the broader social world.
Q10.  Select the option that lists what we can conclude from the text.
A. Friendships are made by being considerate.
B. Friendships do not need the same attention as other relationships.
C. Friendships grow by showing empathy.

  A and B are true
  B and C are true
  A and C are true
  All A, B and C are false
Q11.  Choose the communication skills which help in building friendship.
  Questioning and editing yourself
  Active listening and questioning
  Active listening and editing yourself
  Questioning, active listening and editing yourself

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